Legacy Decatur is a 501(c)(3) foundation established in Decatur, Georgia, in 2015.
As a distinct nonprofit aligned closely with the City of Decatur and its community vision, Legacy Decatur offers a civic infrastructure for connecting elected officials with community champions and motivated citizens in support of legacy-oriented initiatives.
Within the vision articulated in the City’s strategic plan are certain goals requiring grassroots community organizing, fundraising, negotiations and leasing, and other tasks falling outside the conventional role of government. Legacy Decatur provides an accountable, parallel means by which these functions can be appropriately addressed, grants and other forms of funding can be pursued, and individuals and organizations can personally contribute — as donors or hands-on volunteers — to meeting the city’s strategic goals.
In 2015, our organization received its 501(c)(3) status as the Decatur Legacy Project to facilitate the planning, community engagement, and fundraising efforts associated with the city’s 2023 bicentennial celebrations. Operating now as Legacy Decatur, we’ve since broadened our mission and, with that, our focus.
Today we work to cultivate a broadly-defined, tangible legacy for future generations — reinforcing community values through partnerships and programs that support the City of Decatur, Georgia. Specifically, those values comprise: creativity, transparency, inclusivity, affordability, diversity, equity, connection, collaboration, sustainability, and stewardship.
To those ends, Legacy Decatur organizes its priorities around the city’s strategic goals, particularly as they relate to attainable housing, community building, and environmental stewardship. These interests converge at the city’s 77 acre Legacy Park, a former United Methodist Children’s Home, where ongoing management and implementation of the property’s master plan constitutes Legacy Decatur’s principal interest.
In 2019, we broadened our all-volunteer board to seven members encompassing a mix of elected officials, city staff, and committed residents. In 2020, we expanded again with four additional at-large members.
This 11 member board now consists of two elected officials, one city employee, and eight Decatur neighbors with embodied expertise in public administration, foundations and grantseeking, contract law, finance, affordable housing, construction management, and community organizing.
The Legacy Decatur Board
Legacy Decatur Staff
500 S. Columbia Drive
Decatur, Georgia 30030
(678) 529-9280