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Because every life is worth remembering.

The Friends of Decatur Cemetery is a devoted volunteer group that works closely with the city and other community groups to preserve, maintain, and improve the cemetery as a historic and cultural resource.

Since its founding in 1994, the Friends of Decatur Cemetery (FODC) has worked to organize structured improvement plans within the cemetery’s historic Old Section. In 1997, the cemetery’s entire 58 acres was included in the National Register of Historic Places.

The group’s efforts are broad, encompassing everything from tree planting and structural restorations to volunteer clean-ups, educational and cultural programming, and the purchase of needed amenities.

Committee projects have included:

  • Replacement of dead and dying trees in partnership with Trees Atlanta
  • Restoration of the 1881 wellhouse/gazebo
  • Clean-up days in the historic section with the support of Agnes Scott College and other local community groups
  • Creation and publication of a Walking Tour brochure
  • Photography contests
  • Storytelling festival in cooperation with the City of Decatur (2008)
  • “Second Sunday Strolls” – educational tours 
  • Guided tours for school groups and civic organizations
  • Gravestone preservation workshops (2008 and 2023)
  • Gravestone repair and restoration
  • Identification and placement of flags on graves of more than 1,000 veterans each November in observance of Veterans Day
  • Restoration of the gravesite of “Miss Emily Pittman” in the Old Section (2012)
  • Identifying and marking the burial site of Dr. Ormand Morgan, Decatur Cemetery’s first adult burial (c.1826)
  • Purchase of an outdoor bulletin board to publicize events and volunteer opportunities (2017)
  • Purchase and placement of a sundial memorial to our former FODC Chair, Nancie Sill (2018)
  • Purchase of two picnic tables to enhance the enjoyment of visitors to the cemetery (2018)

How You Can Help

The Friends of Decatur Cemetery welcomes volunteers who share its passion for the preservation of this beautiful, peaceful place — a treasured greenspace within a bustling urban setting.

Here’s how:

Gardening Among the Graves

Work with a group of dedicated volunteers on Tuesday mornings to help beautify the cemetery through maintenance and seasonal plantings. To volunteer, contact Jim Rabb: [email protected].

Cleaning Gravestones

Anyone can make incremental progress through the cleaning of gravestones. Just be flexible and relax your ideas about the “perfect stone”. Remember, old stones don’t need to look brand new, and cleaning should only be done to remove plant growth and soil that may hasten corrosion of stones. Learn more here.

Tour Guides

FODC has been providing tours of the Decatur Cemetery and telling stories about its interesting occupants for nearly 20 years. Here’s your opportunity to help others learn about some of our famous and not so famous residents and how they’ve influenced history in Decatur, DeKalb, and the state of Georgia. This is not a ghost tour. Extensive training will be provided. Contact: Cathy Vogel at [email protected].


FODC maintains tools and purchases plant materials for their work beautifying and restoring areas of the Decatur Cemetery.  You can support this work by designating your gift to Friends of Decatur Cemetery here.

Stay Engaged

Follow Friends of Decatur Cemetery on Facebook or Instagram. Visit the Cemetery. Enjoy the treasure of this beautiful downtown greenspace. Pick up a Walking Tour Brochure at the Office or online here.


Rhonda Wildman

Rhonda Wildman Chair

Connect with Us



500 S. Columbia Drive
Decatur, Georgia 30030